Dubai Naturalization and Residency Department Jadeed service is an SMS system to inform Dubai immigration users about various updates and information from DNRD. DNRD will send a SMS from DNRD system to DNRD user mobile informing them about their services or inviting them for various events conducting by Dubai Immigration department.
Jadeed helps Dubai immigration users to remind of their visa expiry and other related services so that the customers can complete the required procedures on time without any delay or fines. DNRD is the authority for issuing entry permits and residence permits and various other services for the expatriates and others in the emirates of Dubai.
Jadeed helps users through its reminders. Current immigration services offered through Jadeed Services are following:
- Passport Expiry Reminder for UAE Nationals
- Passport Expiry Reminders for UAE Residence
- Residence Expiry Reminder
- Passport Expiry Reminders for Residence
- Establishment Card Expiry Reminder
- RSA Token Reminders to Establishments
- E-Gate Card Expiry Reminder
- Security Messages
- Website SMS Messages
- GITEX Invitations
- DSF Invitations
- Web Portal SMS Messages
For more information about Jadeed please visit
Jadeed Services
Reviewed by MARK MARK
10:51:00 PM
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