Tourist & Visit Visa Cancellation

90 days UAE visit visa from SATA
UAE visit visa from SATA
Normal tourist and visit visas to UAE will be automatically cancelled and there is no procedure for a visitor to cancel their visit or tourist visa. It will be automatically cancelled when you exit from the country. It means that if you don�t have a multiple-entry visa, you will have to make an application for a new tourist or visit visa if you want to return back to the UAE.

A security deposit with the immigration department is mandatory for personal sponsorship of a visit visa to UAE and this deposit refund will be made once the sponsored visitor have left the country.

Visitor doesn�t need to do anything for this. Immigration department will update its system records with the departure details of tourist or visit entry permit holder. The sponsor has to submit the original receipt of the security deposit he had received at the time of visa application. He has to submit this along with a refund application to receive the refund. The refund amount will be credited to the sponsors� bank account and has to provide the IBAN number for his bank account.
Tourist & Visit Visa Cancellation Tourist & Visit Visa Cancellation Reviewed by MARK MARK on 3:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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