The new regulation of UAE Labour Law states that the employers are no more empowered to impose a ban or stop an employee from joining another employer or company if the person has completed two years of employment in the present company.
Any employee who has completed two years with a company can resign and join another company without a six month ban. Since the person has served more than two years with his current employer, he can resign from his current company any time with 30 days' prior notice as per Article 117 of the UAE Labour Law, or otherwise in accordance with the terms and conditions provided in his employment contract. Employment contract is the primary agreement between the employer and employee and it is a crucial document in the UAE Labour Law.
The employee will not get a six month ban against him even if his visa with the present company is valid and will not expire for another year. He can join the new company after 30 days notice with the present company. The present company doesn't have the right to stop him from proceeding to transfer to another company unless it is mentioned in the Labour contract between employer and employee.
Some companies don't allow employees to transfer to same field of work in a time frame and it will be stated in the labour contract. In that case employee will not be able to join another company.
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No job ban after completing two years
Reviewed by MARK MARK
8:54:00 PM
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